意大利国家电力局是促进和支持意大利可再生能源的国有机构。其为促进可再生能源发电的可持续发展提供支持,并致力于建立高效环保的能源利用意识。意大利国家电力局的主要业务:可再生能源电厂的认证;热电联产电厂的认证;颁发环保证书及对生产者及进口商是否符合相关义务进行监测;对由可再生能源发电厂或高效热电联产电厂输出的电力进行认证;作为颁发区域经济共同体 (可再生能源证书系统) 证书的执行机构;对用于发电的太阳能光伏和热力学太阳能发电厂执行支持方案;管理电力交易市场由可再生能源电厂或高效热电联产电厂所产生的资源;管理那些通过 GSE 间接销售而不是直接在电力交易市场销售电力资源的厂商;为电力交易市场上生产1000KW(其中200KW 为风力发电)的可再生能源发电厂厂商提供包罗万象的进料关税;为可再生能源电厂或高效热电联产电厂生产的电力资源提供计量服务网站;给予能源领域的公共机构和用来检验动态脑电图的研究以支持;加入国际能源总署、地中海区域能源观测站以及国际协会等认证机构。
Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A.
Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. is the publicly-owned company which promotes and supports renewable energy sources (RES) in Italy. GSE fosters sustainable development by providing support for renewable electricity (RES-E) generation and by taking actions to build awareness of environmentally-efficient energy uses. GSE Main Activities:Qualifying renewable electricity (RES-E) plants; Qualifying combined heat & power (CHP) plants; Issuing Green Certificates and monitoring producers’ and importers’ compliance with the related obligations; Issuing the Guarantee of Origin (GO) of electricity generated by RES or high-efficiency (CHP) plants; Issuing RECS (Renewable Energy Certificate System) certificates; As implementing body, running the support schemes for electricity generation by photovoltaic and thermodynamic solar plants; Market trading of electricity generated by plants using RES or other eligible sources (“CIP-6”); Market trading of electricity generated by producers who have opted for indirect sale through GSE (“ritiro dedicato”), instead of direct sale in the market;Market trading of electricity generated by new RES plants of up to 1,000 kW (200 kW for wind plants) whose owners have opted for the all-inclusive feed-in tariff; Running the net metering service (“scambio sul posto”) for electricity generated by RES plants of up to 200 kW or high-eficiency CHP plants; Granting support to Public Administration in energetic ield and to the AEEG for inspection and check activities; Participating in the international associations IEA (International Energy Agency), OME (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie) and AIB (Association of Issuing Bodies).