意大利国家新技术、能源及可持续经济发展署旨在能源领域,特别是核能及经济可持续发展领域开展深入的研究、技术的创新及先进的服务。ENEA虽然是个年轻的机构,但它有强大的背景做支撑,我们的前身自 1952 年以来,一直在意大利能源部开展高端研究工作,从 1952 年的 CNRN—Amaldi 到 1960 年 的 CNEN 再 到1982 年的 ENEA, 我们继承了丰富的资源,卓越的能力以及专业的知识。新 ENEA 的主要特点是优先推进如何通过技术转移来加速其产品化的进程。这是所有研究活动和发展方案的指导准则。
研究活动主要针对以下 8 种不同的领域:
1) 能源的有效利用
■ 工业,交通及民生中的科技利用
■ 智能电网管理
■ 发电装置
ENEA 已在能源的有效利用领域占据一席之地,符合欧盟指令 2006 年 /32/EC 能源终端使用效率和能源服务的要求,向国家、地区和地方当局为公民、 商业及公共管理提供信息支持和咨询服务。
2) 可再生能源
■ 太阳能
■ 光伏器件
■ 生物堆
■ 生物燃料
■ 小型风力电机
■ 二氧化碳的封存
■ 可再生能源中的氢提取
■ 燃料电池
■ 蓄电池及超级冷凝器
3) 核裂变中的能量
■ 反应堆堆芯及屏蔽物
■ 先进的计算模型和方法
■ 燃料循环的安全性
■ 表征材料及部件
■ 设计及实验工程方法
■ 放射性废物管理
■ 核设施的退役、停运
■ 创新燃料
■ 辐射防护和辐射测量
■ 培训及沟通
4) 核聚变
■ 超导磁体
■ 高热流密度元件
■ 材料
■ 远程维护
■ 燃料循环
■ 等离子加热
■ 喷油器的粒子束
ENEA拥有世界上第二大磁约束聚变实验场:在意大利弗拉斯卡研究中心的弗托卡马克 ( 工联会)
5) 环境科技
■ 环境修复
■ 废物循环综合管理
■ 建立修复污染站点
■ 空气影响的评估工具
■ 能源和环境建模
6) 能源及工业领域的先进技术
■ 新材料
■ 电离辐射的工业和医疗应用
■ 非电离在光学中的应用
■ 先进的机器人
7) 信息通信
■ 超计设施
■ 信息化
■ 科技应用
■ 商务智能化
■ 决策支持
■ 在线学习
■ 知识管理
8) 生物技术
■ 植物组学对接研究的相关技术
■ 食品工业技术
■ 食品质量与安全诊断
■ 有机物中提取生物燃料
■ 农业能源区
■ 工业生物制品
■ 植物中药用分子的提取
ENEA 拥有自身优良的技术,先进的设备及独立开展研究工作的机构: 9 个研究中心和 5个研究所 ;除此之外,也可承接其他意大利的科研机构及公司的研究活动。现在,ENEA 在整个意大利均设有办公室,在布鲁塞尔成立了代表处,在意大利形成了属于 ENEA 的覆盖网络。
Italian National Agency For New Technologies,
Energy And Susteinable Economic Development
ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development is aimed at research, innovation technology and advanced service in the field of energy, particularly in nuclear energy, and sustainable economic development. ENEA is quite a young organization but we have a great background, since we inherited the resources, competence and expertise created and developed by the preceding bodies that made advanced research in the energy sector in Italy since 1952: the CNRN of Professor Amaldi, the CNEN in 1960, and inally ENEA since 1982 The main characteristic of the new ENEA Agency’s policy is the priority which is being given to technology transfer activities towards the Italian productive system. This is the directing criterion of all research activities and their development programmes.
The activities are mainly aimed at 8 different technological areas:
■ Technologies for the civil sector, transport, industry
■ Smart grid management
■ Electric generation plant
ENEA has the role of national agency for energy efficiency, in compliance with the EU directive 2006/32/CE on energy end-use efficiency and energy services, and gives technical support and consultancy to the Government, the Regions and local authorities, providing information to citizens, business and public administration.
■ Solar thermal
■ Photovoltaic
■ Biomass
■ Biofuel
■ Small wind generator
■ CO2 sequestration
■ Hydrogen from renewable sources
■ Fuel cells
■ Batteries and super condensers
■ Core and shielding
■ Advanced computational models an methodology
■ Fuel cycle security and safety
■ Characterization of materials and components
■ Design and experimental engineer in methodology
■ Radioactive waste management
■ Decommissioning
■ Innovative fuels
■ Radioprotection and radiation measurements
■ Training and communication
The Agency also has unique competence and facilities to carry out qualiication tests of materials and nuclear components.
■ Superconducting magnets
■ High heat lux components
■ Materials
■ Remote maintenance
■ Fuel cycle
■ Heating of plasma
■ Injectors of particle bundles
ENEA has one of the two largest experimental plants for magnetic coninement fusion in the world: the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade (FTU) at the ENEA the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade (FTU) at the ENEA Frascati Research Centre.
■ Environmental remediation
■ Integrated management of waste cycle
■ Planning remediation of polluted sites
■ Impact assessment tools of on the atmosphere
■ Energy and environmental modelling
■ Italian Antarctic Research Programme
■ Seismology and seismic engineering
■ New materials
■ Industrial and medical applications of ionizing radiation
■ Non ionizing application in optics
■ Advanced robotics
■ Super computing Infrastructures
■ E-science
■ Technical scientiic applications
■ Business intelligence
■ Decisional support
■ E-learning
■ Knowledge management
■ Vegetal omics technologies
■ Food industry technologies
■ Food quality and safety diagnostics
■ Biofuels from biomass production
■ Agro-energy districts
■ Industrial bioproducts
■ Production of molecules and pharmaceuticals from plants
ENEA carries out research and development activities in its own facilities, which are equipped with the most advanced instrumentation and plants: 9 Research Centres and 5 Research laboratories, where activities for other Italian science institutes and private companies can also be hosted. Finally, ENEA has a network of local ofices throughout Italy and a Representative Ofice in Brussels.