意大利国家研究委员会(CNR) 是国家级的机构,主要致力于知识增长时代重点领域的研究活动的发起、推动、传播、转让与革新;并推动国家科学、技术、经济和社会发展中各个领域研究成果的应用。为达成这一目标, 国家研究委员会的活动被划分为几个宏观的跨学科性科研领域,领域主要涉及以下几个部分:生物、医药、材料、环境与地球、信息与通讯、先进的生产体系、司法与社会经济学、古典研究与艺术。
国家研究委员会在意大利全国范围内网状分布了众多科研院所,以此推动其在整个国家的影响力,并为地方企业与团体的联系与合作提供便利。从财政的角度来看, 国家研究委员会的主要资金来自国家,但部分也来自于市场:甚至占据研究委员会资金预算30% 的比重,这是一个不寻常的数值,为研究和技术咨询活动带来了隐性的订单,并且产生了来自企业的协议,以及与欧盟和其他国际组织的合同。
在自身的实验室开展研究活动,以促进工业体系的创新力与竞争力, 也针对新兴的公共和个人需求提供技术和解决方案。推进研发系统的国际化;向政府和其他公共团体提供关于国家、集体战略主题方面的建议,促进人力资源的资格认证。
The National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
The National Research Council (CNR) is a public organization; its duty is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the Country.
To this end, the activities of the organization are divided into macro areas of interdisciplinary scientific and technological research, concerning several sectors: biotechnology, medicine, materials, environment and land, information and communications, advanced systems of production, judicial and socio-economic sciences, classical studies and arts.
CNR is distributed all over Italy through a network of institutes aiming at promoting a wide diffusion of its competences throughout the national territory and at facilitating contacts and cooperation with local firms and organizations.
From the financial point of view, the main resources come from the State, but also from the market: even 30% of its balance sheet, an extraordinary result, is the result of revenues coming from external job orders for studies and activities of technical advice as well as from agreements with firms, contracts with the European Union and with the other international organizations.
To perform research in its own labs both promoting innovation and competitiveness of the industrial system and providing technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, To promote the internationalization of the research system, to advise the Government and other public bodies on strategic themes for the Country and the collectivity, to contribute to the qualification of human resources.
These are the strategic points of the mission of CNR (Italian National Research Council), whose aims can be summed up by the Eighty five projects on acquired strategic subjects such as Energy & Transportation, Earth & Environment, Agriculture & Food, Medicine, Life Sciences, Molecular Design, Materials & Devices, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Information and Communication Technologies, Cultural Identity, Cultural heritage which are the tasks in which the Italian National Research Council is engaged. Cooperation with Universities and industrial companies is a systematic choice with the general aim of “creating value for the Country by competences through scientific research”.