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  中关村科技园区管理委员会 ( 简称中关村管委会 ) 是负责对中关村科技园区 ( 包括海淀园、丰台园、昌平园、电子城、亦庄园、德胜园、石景山园、雍和园、大兴生物医药产业基地、通州园,以下简称园区 ) 发展建设进行综合指导的市政府派出机构。


  ( ) 贯彻落实国家有关法律法规和政策,研究拟订园区的发展战略和规划,参与组织编制园区有关空间规划,组织研究园区相关改革方案,促进可持续发展。

  ( ) 研究制定园区发展和管理的相关政策,起草相关地方性法规草案、政府规章草案。

  ( ) 协调整合各类创新资源,开展园区创新创业、高新技术研发及其成果产业化、科技金融、人才资源、中介组织、知识产权保护等方面的促进和服务工作。

  ( ) 负责管理市财政拨付的园区发展专项资金,并协助有关部门监督专项资金的使用。

  ( ) 根据市政府授权,对北京中关村发展集团股份有限公司市级财政投入资金履行出资职责,依法对其国有资产进行监督管理,并加强业务指导。

  ( ) 指导各园的工作,承担中关村国家自主创新示范区领导小组的日常工作,负责园区内各类协会组织的联系工作。

  ( ) 开展园区国际交流与合作,提升园区国际化发展水平。

  ( ) 承担园区外事、宣传、联络等工作。

  ( ) 承办市政府交办的其他事项。

Zhongguancun Science Park Management


  Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee ( referred to as the Zhongguancun Administrative Committee ) is responsible for the Zhongguancun Science Park ( including Haidian, Fengtai, Changping Park, Electronic City, YiZhuang, DeSheng Park, Shijingshan Park, Yonghe Garden, Daxing Bio Pharmaceutical Industry Base, Tongzhou Park )to guide the development and construction of a comprehensive municipal agency.

  Main responsibilities:

  (1)Implement the relevant state laws, regulations and policies, research and develop the park's development strategy and planning involved in organizing the preparation of park space-related planning, organization and research park-related reform, promoting sustainable development.

  (2)The development of park development and management policies, the drafting of local laws and regulations related to the draft, draft government regulations.

  (3)Coordinate and integrate various types of innovation resources, innovation and entrepreneurship to carry out the park, high-tech R & D and industrialization, technology finance, human resources, intermediary organizations, intellectual property protection and other aspects of promotion and services.

  (4)The responsibility for managing municipal finances allocated special funds for the development of the park, and to assist relevant departments to supervise use of special funds.

  (5)Authorized by the Municipal Government of Beijing Zhongguancun Development Group Company Limited municipal financial investment funds to meet funding responsibilities, according to its state-owned assets supervision and management, and strengthen its operational guidance.

  (6)To guide the work of the park, take Zhongguancun National Innovation Model the daily work of the district leadership team, responsible for the various associations within the park liaison.

  (7)To carry out international exchanges and cooperation in the park, raise the level of international development of the park.

  (8)Bear park foreign affairs, publicity, liaison work.

  (9)Undertake other tasks assigned by the municipal government.




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