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speak: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } .icon-user:before { content: "\21"; } .icon-user-2:before { content: "\22"; } .icon-user-3:before { content: "\23"; } .icon-user-4:before { content: "\24"; } .icon-friends:before { content: "\25"; } .icon-users:before { content: "\26"; } .icon-user-5:before { content: "\27"; } .icon-plus-sign:before { content: "\28"; } .icon-minus-sign:before { content: "\29"; } .icon-remove-sign:before { content: "\2a"; } .icon-ok-sign:before { content: "\2b"; } .icon-plus:before { content: "\2c"; } .icon-minus:before { content: "\2d"; } .icon-checkmark:before { content: "\2e"; } .icon-cancel:before { content: "\2f"; } .icon-close:before { content: "\30"; } .icon-checkmark-2:before { content: "\31"; } .icon-trash:before { content: "\32"; } .icon-trash-2:before { content: "\33"; } .icon-trash-3:before { content: "\34"; } .icon-trashcan:before { content: "\35"; 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