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      以“创新驱动 协同发展”为主题的第18届北京科技交流学术月于2015年9月15日至10月31日举行,活动密切围绕首都科技创新和产业发展重点需求,努力搭建服务社会、服务市场、提升公众科学素质、促进协商民主政治建设四个平台,加强对科技社团和科技工作者积极参与首都科技创新和改革发展的引导,突出学术交流的针对性和实效性,力争为北京市创新驱动发展战略的实施做出应有贡献。

    Beijing Academic Exchange Month of Science and Technology covers a series of academic exchange activities facing the society and the public held by Beijing Association for Science and Technology and scientific and technological societies in Beijing in every autumn. Since its start up in 1998, the Academic Exchange Month has adopted the principles of academic exchanges meeting Beijing’s economic and social development demands, facilitating scientific and technological staff’s progress, and advancing the scientific literacy of all people. The main purpose is to explore the key role of academic societies in assembling science and technology resources and advancing the scientific development of the Capital area, to motivate innovative and creative vitality of the scientific and technological staff in the Capital, and to serve the strategy of promoting innovation-driven development. Beijing Academic Exchange Month of Science and Technology has grown to a high-end and comprehensive academic exchange platform with openness and diversity in the Capital area.
    The 18th Beijing Academic Exchange Month of Science and Technology will be held from September 15 to October 31, 2015. This year witnesses the theme of “Innovation-driven collaborative development”. The activities to be held during the 18th Beijing Academic Exchange Month of Science and Technology are expected to focus on the key demands of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. The purpose is to contribute to the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy of Beijing by endeavoring to build up four platforms on serving society, serving market, increasing people’s scientific literacy and promoting consultative politics, effectively guiding scientific and technological societies and staff to actively participate in innovation and reform of science and technology in Beijing, and highlighting the focuses and effectiveness of academic exchange activities.
    During this Academic Exchange Month, Beijing Association for Science and Technology and its subordinate societies will organize scientific and technological staff in the Capital area to hold over 100 diverse activities. These activities will present the following features. Firstly, the academic exchange activities focus on collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province. The topics cover urban management, resource protection, and regional management, etc. The advantages of academic societies in various professional sectors are taken to tackle hot and difficult problems on urban collaborative development. The scientific and technological societies will play a unique role in promoting the integrated collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province. Secondly, the academic exchange activities focus on serving scientific and technological innovation in the Capital area. A series of high-level academic activities on leading edge subjects will be held in a certain period to facilitate the transfer of innovative resources, creative ideas and results to enterprises, in which way scientific and technological societies will have more influence on economic development and innovation in science and technology. Thirdly, the academic exchange activities focus on serving the public. Academic societies are encouraged and guided to focus on social public services by taking full advantages of their resources and unique features, meeting social and governmental demands, and participating in collaborative management. In this way, the overall strength of academic societies will be enhanced with more and diverse development channels. 

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