北京科技交流学术月是市科协在每年秋季,联合北京科技类社团面向社会和公众共同举办的一系列学术交流活动的总称。自1998年开始举办以来,坚持学术交流与首都经济社会发展需求相结合,与科技工作者成长进步相结合,与全民科学素质提升相结合,发挥学术团体在凝聚首都科技资源、促进首都科学发展中的重要作用,激发首都科技工作者创新创造活力,服务创新驱动发展战略。经过十余年的发展,北京科技交流学术月已逐步成为首都地区综合性、开放性和多元化的高端学术交流平台。 |
Beijing Academic Exchange Month of Science and Technology covers a series of academic exchange activities facing the society and the public held by Beijing Association for Science and Technology and science and technology societies in Beijing in every autumn. Since its start up in 1998, the Academic Exchange Month has adopted the principles of academic exchanges meeting Beijing’s economic and social development demands, |